
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Consuming Fire

Belief is the agent of change essential to the healing process. What you believe is what you get; however, wellness is not a destination it is a state of being. Every decision can either take you closer to wellness or closer to sickness. The mind, body, and soul start down the path of disease when there is a stress that causes difficulty and functioning below optimum levels. Silence allows one to hear the Creator speaking clearly. By taking the time to address beliefs that negatively impact your state of wellness and cultivating habitual silence you can quit the inner noise and increase your sense of peace. By working on the inner state of wellness and silence you also work on the outer being. “As within, so without.”

Reaching a state of wellness addresses the issues of the mind, body, and soul. As hueman beings, we must develop an emotional outlet. Counselors, spiritual teachers, good friends, trusted journals, and more serve as our emotional outlets. Once you change your lifestyle there comes a point when you realize that certain people, places, and things no longer support our highest good. You must have a plan to deal with the emotional tension that accompanies a lifestyle change for the better.

Absolute wellness is within your reach; it lives within your next righteous decision.

Affirmation for emotional well being: “I can feel the sun coming over the horizon.”

To increase the power of this affirmation, imagine the heat of the sun warming you, increasing your fire, and melting the ego. You can rise above the rise and fall of emotions and experience contentment.

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