I look at the qualities of the Male principle and realize that I have had issues with these same qualities in my personal life: stress, destruction, heat, action, conscious, logical. I have always felt that the society we live in now moves too fast, destroys too quickly, lives in the conscious mind too much, and has become frigid with logic.
However, I now seek to find the balance between the two energies in my personal walk as a spiritual being having a natural experience. “Honor your father and mother that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Exodus 20: 3-17
I do see how this verse in the Bible gives guidance to the enlightened being to honor both energies. To honor one type of energy and not the other is a dangerous error. A lot of religions serve as object lessons when it comes to cultivating spiritual energy without nearly as much attention to the body. No amount of spiritual energy can substitute for care and maintenance of the physical body. By paying attention to the inner and outer self we can honor the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within.
"The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating, etc., and its
manifestations are visible on every plane of phenomena." -Kyballion
We become prosperous and gain long life in all aspects when we seek to follow the principle of Gender.
"The masculine is sovereignty, the crown upon your soul. Femininity is humility and unconditional love, the heart within the breast of your soul and together they make the whole soul essence."
St. Germain
Twin Souls & Soulmates
I can see how I personally have sought to engage the masculine energies within. I have been on course to move into a more active state of being, sought to be in the body more and in the mind less, put effort into organizing the conscious mind, sought clarity in my mental pursuits, learned how to handle stress better, learned about the necessity of destruction as it relates to the ego, and started taking in foods/herbs that warm the body (ginger, licorice root, cayenne,anise, cumin, cinnamon, millet, quinoa, rosemary, wild rice). When one is sensitive to the murmurings of the soul there is a natural guidance system that manifest. Twin Souls & Soulmates
Assertive communication serves as another route to reach balance between male and female energies within. You can assert yourself without becoming aggressive as a woman you can still hold on to the warmth and softness that inherently pours forth.
I trust that there are many paths to establishing male and female energies within. I encourage every soul to seek balance.
good post. Looking for to reading more..